Go Dutch
The history of the Dutch in New Zealand goes back all the way to Tasman arriving at these shores, some 127 years before Captain Cook.
Come along, on an engaging journey though Oranjehof
- Explore the globe with Tasman – The first meeting of two worlds, Māori and Pākehā
- Pick up some Nederlands – You can even listen to some Dutch radio
- Play traditional games, or dress up and sit on a fancy bike for a selfie
Find answers
- Where does that name Nieuw Zeeland come from?
- Why did Nederlanders venture to Aotearoa?
- What is gezellig, and why is it so important?
- What does an ‘Alien Pass’ look like? And how blue is Delfts Blauw?
- Is Dutch art and design different from Kiwi art? How about our sense of humour?
- How did Kiwis come to love their chicken, coffee, cheese, wholemeal bread?
- Did those industrious Dutchies influence building, agriculture, dairy?
Link up with the past, so you can build a future with just a little more ‘Dutchness’.